
Football News

26 September, 2007


With proud I"m anouncing this news to you.


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25 September, 2007

S Brankom Grgićem odlazi i kompletna uprava Hajduka!

Nakon poslijepodnevnog sastanka Hajdukova Upravnog odbora, predsjednik Skupštine doktor Ante Nosić je rekao:
- Dobio sam na raspolaganje mandat predsjednika Branka Grgića. Tim činom s daljnjim radom prestaju gospodin Grgić i Upravni odbor. Ja ću kao predsjednik Skupštine ubuduće biti službeni predsjedatelj kluba sve do odluke Skupštine. Do njena saziva izvršit ću sve konzultacije s Gradom, Županijom i ostalim subjektima koji čine Skupštinu.
Prije njegova izlaganja Grgić je bez komentara prošao pored novinara i otišao iz kluba. Za njim su otišli svi članovi Upravnog odbora.
Uz Nosića, pred medijima su bili predsjednik Nadzornog odbora Miljenko Dražić, te dopredsjednici Skupštine Mirko Klarić i Vinko Bajrović, te odvjetnik Mate Peroš.
Na pitanje kad će biti održana nova Skupština odgovorio je Mirko Klarić.
- Do kraja godine. Nisu u pitanju dani, Hajduk ima trenera i igrače, direktora i ljude od struke pod ugovorom. Nećemo Skupštinu održati u sljedećih dva, tri ili pet dana. Ona mora biti dobro pripremljena.
Odvjetnik Peroš pojasnio je kako će novi predsjednik odabrati ljude s kojima će surađivati do nove Skupštine.
Uslijedilo je konkretno pitanje može li Nosić smijeniti trenera Sergija Krešića. Teoretski da, uslijedio je odgovor. Trener nije upitan, na vlasti nije nikakav trijumvirat, sekstet ili nešto slično, Nosić je prvi čovjek kluba do nove Skupštine.
Zanimljivo je i da na zadnjem sastanku ove uprave nije bio dopredsjednik kluba Alen Bokšić. Za one koji ne znaju u Grgićevoj upravi su bili: Ante Žaja, Stipe Majić, Ferante Colnago, Zoran Sikirica, Tonči Blagajić, Milivoj Bebić i Alen Bokšić.
Prije njih ostavku je podnio Franjo Pašalić, a još ranije otišli su Aljoša Asanović, Slaven Bilić pa Igor Štimac.

Ćiro Blažević: Želim Grgiću da odlazak iz Hajduka podnese lakše nego što sam ga ja podnio

Evo što je Ćiro Blažević rekao na vijesti iz Poljuda o odlasku predsjednika Branka Grgića:
- Nije mi drago što se ovo događa mom dragom Hajduku. Makar svi mislili da ću sada ja likovati zbog ostavke Grgića - neću, nisam ja takav čovjek. Za vrijeme vladavine Grgića i društva bilo je i dosta radosti za splitske navijače, ali moram kazati sljedeće: želim da Branko Grgić što lakše preboli odlazak s časne dužnosti, lakše nego sam ja prebolio svoj odlazak s klupe bijelih nakon što me je potjerao. Što će biti dalje i koji su temeljni problemi Hajdukova stanja ne želim komentirati jer nisam kompetentan, ali ponavljam, žao mi je što se sve događa u mom dragom Hajduku.

Preuzeto s Glasa Dalmacije

Football manager 2008: game info

Football Manager returns before Christmas packed full of new features for fans of the much-acclaimed series from Sports Interactive to feast their eyes on. Football Manager 2008 is out on PC / Mac this autumn, and offers football fans the chance to take on the greatest job on earth; manager of there favourite football club!Bigger, smoother and more in-depth than ever, Football Manager 2008 is packed full of so much newness it could well take a lifetime to discover every new feature. So we asked Miles Jacobson, Studio Director at SI Games, to take us through some of the changes you'll want to hear about most...Transfer Center - A new way of managing all current transfer and loan bids for your club, both incoming and outgoing, making it easier to compare bids and reject or accept them.Finance Revamp - Sports Interactive have updated the finance area of Football Manager 2008 to better reflect the ever-changing modern football world. More information is available to the manager too, including, but not limited to, corporate matchday income, season ticket news, investment funds, improved sponsorships, collective win bonuses and the ability to move around funds from the wage budget and transfer budget (and vice versa) at any point to help you in your quest for the ideal squad.International Management - The international management gameplay has been completely revamped for Football Manager 2008, including, but not limited to, media improvements, international retirements, player interaction, international scouting, improved national pool selection, captain selection and a separation of international and club morale for players.Match Flow - The largest change to matchdays in a Sports Interactive game since the introduction of the 2D match engine. Match flow brings more atmosphere to matchdays with match previews, team talks, opposition player instructions, the match itself, half time and post match now seamlessly following on from one another. There's no more pausing to make tactical changes and you'll find a mini-radar pitch whilst making those tactical changes to keep you in touch with what's going on in the match. Confidence - You can now easily tell what your board and supporters think about your performance in the game through the new confidence section. This gives you feedback not just on your current progress in competitions, but also your financial management and signings. Easier to Use - A much cleaner skin, a brand new advisor system to help you through various areas of the game, a new notes and notebook system, better button positioning for simpler navigation and an updated tutorial and manual. Also, coach reports to make taking over a new team easier and a new calendar system - which lists all important dates throughout the season - help to make Football Manager 2008 the easiest Sports Interactive game to use yet. Fan Days - The board can now arrange fan days to boost ailing attendances, or for matches that are likely to attract a low crowd, with a long-term affect to attendances if all goes well. Awards Overhaul - A full overhaul of the awards system inside the game, which is not only more accurate but also includes new awards, such as the European golden boot and a 'best eleven', which shows the all-time (in-game) best XI for all teams and nations.Match Engine Improvements - A greatly improved match engine, once again utilizing the footballing brain of Ray Houghton and other tools used by real-life managers, to make the most accurate simulation of football in a computer game even more like-life than ever before. Oh, and the ability to change the pitch dimensions at the start of the season to suit your style of play better.Expanded Media - More media and feedback than ever before, plus more detail in existing media, and a new competition news section to find out what major things are going on in all league competitions.Regenerated Player Photos - All in-game regenerated players now have pictures using FaceGen technology to give each player more personality. This gives the ability for players to be seen to mature and grow-up looks-wise in front of your eyes as the game is going on.Speedyfastier - Saving and loading is now significantly faster, with network gaming quicker and smoother to play, as well as tactical changes and match reports being faster than ever before.To view more screenshots click here...

The road to release: FM 2008

We are very happy to announce today, via the UK's News of the World paper, that the demo of Football Manager 2008 will be released next Sunday morning, the 30th September.
There will be 2 different versions of the demo for each PC and Mac, with all demo's providing half aseason of unrestricted gameplay,
The "strawberry" version of the demo includes all player pictures and logo's, with quickstarts from the world's biggest leagues, giving people a chance to try out their skills in multiple countries. This will also include multiple language translations. This demo will be available from our website at
The "vanilla" version of the demo is just English language, and features the English and Scottish leagues, with no player photo's or logo's to try and keep the size of the download down. This version will be available from is still no firm release date for the game, but we hope to be able to have this in the next week or so, and will let everyone know as soon as it's set.
There will also be demos for Worldwide Soccer Manager 2008 (the US release of the game) and a brand new version, Futbol Manager 2008, a South American version of the game. Release details for both of these will follow at the same time as we provide releasedates, as they are still to be confirmed.
Whilst we're on the subject of Football Manager 2008, now is also the time to reveal new licenses for this years game.
We are very proud to announce the procurement of a license for the French Ligue de Football Professionnel, withboth the 1st & 2nd divisions covered by the license that provides real club names, logo's and kits for all the clubs in those leagues.
We also welcome back the Dutch national team to the game, which was missing from last years game.
On top of this, we have new licenses in Italy from Sampdoria and Fiorentina.
We've been pretty quiet so far this year on the game apart from the press release revealing some of the new features which can be found here along with some screenshots. As of next week,we're going to start revealing a lot more, with blogs coming daily throughout the week up until the release of the game, with lots more feature information,some in depth looks at some of the key areas of the game, and a few surprises along the way.
For now, we'll leave you with 2 other things. First off is the packshot for the UK version of Football Manager 2008, which you can find below and also the minimum and recommended specs for the game which you can also find below.
Thank you for your continued support of Sports Interactive and our games. We hope you enjoy Football Manager 2008 as much as we enjoyed making it.
Football Manager 2008 PC specs
Minimum - Windows XP/Vista.1.2Ghz Processor. 256MB Ram. DirectX8.1 compatible sound card. 4xCD Rom drive, 1024x768 32Bit display. 750MB HD space. MS compatible mouse & keyboard.
Recommended - Windows XP/Vista.AMD or Intel Dual Core 2.2Ghz processor. 1GB Ram. DirectX8.1 compatible soundcard. 4xCD Rom drive, 1024x768 32Bit display. 750MB HD space. MS compatiblemouse & keyboard.
Football Manager 2008 Macspecs
MinimumPowerMac/PowerBook: Power PC - G4 1.2Ghz, 256MB Ram, Mac OS10.3.9. 4xCD Romdrive, 1024x768 32bit display. 750MB HD Space Mac Pro/MacBook - Intel Core Duo1.8Ghz, Mac OS 10.4.4, 256MB Ram. 4xCD Rom drive, 1024x768 32bit display. 750MBHD Space
RecommendedPowerMac/PowerBook: Power PC - G5 2Ghz, Mac OS 10.4.9, 1GB Ram, 4xCD Rom drive,1024x768 32bit display. 750MB HD Space
Mac Pro/MacBook - Intel Core Duo:2Ghz, Mac OS 10.4.9, 1GB Ram, 4xCD Rom drive, 1024x768 32bit display. 750MB HDSpace

29 June, 2007


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Engleski je riješen, upala je trica. Neznam kako jer nisam ima blage veze o ničemu, naravno da se nisam bunija. Pravo sam dobija četvorku, još sam u šoku (pozitivnom)! To je za sad sve o mom školskom životu. Bok!

28 June, 2007

U Hrvatskoj svaka treća osoba puši

Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (SZO) procjenjuje da u svijetu puši više od milijarde ljudi te da godišnje duhan u smrt odvede oko pet milijuna ljudi, podsjeća autorica osvrta dr. Vlasta Hrabak-Žerjavić.Ako se ne zaustave sadašnji trendovi, upozorava SZO, poslije 2030. godine godišnje će u svijetu umirati više od 10 milijuna ljudi. Naime, znanstveno je dokazano da konzumiranje duhana i duhanskih proizvoda, ali i pasivno pušenje, znatno pridonose obolijevanju i preranom umiranju.Prema metodologiji SZO-a, u razvijenim zemljama pušenje čini oko 12 posto ukupnog opterećenja bolestima, krvni tlak oko 11 posto, alkohol nešto više od 9 posto, kolesterol nešto manje od 8 posto, debljina između 7 i 8 posto.Usporedbe radi, droge u opterećenju bolestima u razvijenom svijetu sudjeluju s nešto više od 3 posto, a nezaštićeni spolni odnosi s nešto manje od jedan posto!Duhanski dim sadrži više od 4.000 različitih kemijskih sastojaka, od kojih najpoznatiji - nikotin - stvara ovisnost.Jedan od najštetnijih sastojaka je ugljikov monoksid (CO), koji se 200 puta brže veže uz crvena krvna zrnca od kisika. U pušača 10 do 15 posto hemoglobina može biti vezano uz ugljikov monoksid, upozorava dr. Hrabak-Žerjavić, što znatno smanjuje opskrbu organizma kisikom.Autorica je osobito zabrinuta ovisnošću mlađih naraštaja, te navodi podatke globalnog istraživanja o proširenosti navike pušenja u mladih, koje je 2002. godine proveo SZO a sudjelovala je i Hrvatska - više od trećine ispitanika diljem svijeta pokušalo je prvi puta pušiti prije navršene desete godine.Upravo zato, zapisala je autorica, mladima treba pružiti edukacijsku i svaku drugu potporu na životnom putu lišenom pušenja i njegovih posljedica.

Zalažimo se protiv pušenja jer pušenje šteti zdravlju. Zašto da ja udišem nečiji dim cigarete i trujem sebe. Pušači su sebične osobe i trebalo bi u Hrvatskoj zabraniti pušenje na javnim mjestima!!!!

Pakleni dan

Dobar dan. Danas mi je stvarno pakleni dan. Odgovaram usmeno engleski i informatiku. To mi ne bi trebalo predstavljati neki problem, ali nikad ne znaš, stvari se ponekad stvarno zakompliciraju. Poželite mi sreću i do sljedećeg čitanja!

27 June, 2007

Summer in Croatia

Croatia is one of the most beautiful countries in the world! MUST COME!!!!!!

Football manager 2008

Najbolja managerska igra dolazi nam za par mjeseci, pa napišite što biste htjeli promijeniti, dodati ili maknuti iz igre. Samo da bude najbolji!!!!

Čekam prijedloge.....


Evo ga!!!!
Moj prvi blog, nadam se da ćete ga često posjećivati. Uglavnom, da ne dužim možete pisati o bilo čemu, naravno pristojne stvari!